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Water Damage Restoration in St. George, UT

Quickly Restoring Water Damage in St. George and Beyond

Water is one of the most destructive forces that can affect a home. From floods to burst pipes, water damage can cause extensive destruction and costly repairs if not addressed quickly and properly. Damages caused by excess moisture or flooding in your home range from mildew growth on walls and furniture all the way to structural weakening due to rot or even mold growth.

Schedule professional water restoration services in St. George, Utah and beyond by dialing (435) 500-0982 or reaching out online today!

Signs of Water Damage

Not sure if there’s water damage in your home? Look for these signs:

discoloration on walls and ceilings (usually yellowish-brown),

peeling paint

bubbling wallpaper or wallpaper seams coming apart at corners

warped wood floors and/or carpeting

musty odors throughout different areas inside your house

Our St. George water damage restoration process involves several steps to ensure that the affected area is properly cleaned and restored:

  • Water Clean-Up: all standing water must be removed from the site using specialized pumps or vacuums.
  • Drying: any wet materials such as carpets and furniture must be dried out with air movers or dehumidifiers.
  • Cleaning & Sanitization: thorough cleaning of all surfaces should take place in order to remove any contaminants left behind by the floodwaters.
  • Repair: repairs may need to be made if there was structural damage caused by flooding; these can range from replacing drywall panels to installing new flooring depending on what needs attention most urgently.

Why Choose ServiceMaster Restoration to Restore Your Water Damage in St. George?

When you partner with our professional water damage restoration company in Utah, you can rest assured that our technicians have the skills, experience and industrial-grade equipment required to get your home back to its best pre-disaster condition. What makes us different is our commitment to your satisfaction - after all, we’re backed by a brand with 65+ experience in restoring homes!

Call (435) 500-0982 or contact us online to learn more about our St. George water damage restoration services and get started restoring what you’ve lost.

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