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Residential Mold Removal in Louisville, KY

Mold Remediation Service Near You

Mold is present everywhere in nature, but when it finds its way into your home, it can be a significant problem. Mold can grow indoors on wet or damp surfaces, such as wallpaper, ceiling tiles, carpets, insulation material, wood, and drywall. In an environment with enough excess moisture, mold can start to grow within 48 hours.

If you see signs of mold or suspect it has infiltrated your home, ServiceMaster by Redbird DRS is here to remediate the problem and prevent long-term damage. Locally owned and backed by a nationally-recognized industry leader in mold removal and remediation, you can count on our team 24/7 for the solution your home needs.

For mold remediation in louisville, ky, you can trust our team of experts. Contact us online or call us today at(502) 771-8096 for an appointment.

Don't let mold ruin your home and health!

If left unchecked, mold growth can have a severe impact on both your quality of life and your home's physical structure. You may begin to experience irritation with cold-like symptoms or asthma.

Despite what's readily known about mold, it remains the subject of a lot of confusion.

  • Mold and mildew grow best in warm, damp and humid conditions.
  • Mold may never become visible since it can grow in the walls and under the floor.
  • If more than two days have passed, any wet materials will be affected by mold, even if it's not yet visible.
  • Whether you can see a problem or merely suspect its presence, only a professional can help identify the source and extent of the challenge.
  • Home remedies like bleach can cause more problems.
Our Louisville mold removal services include infrared technology as part of the mold detection process and select chemicals to help protect your home.

Mold FAQ

What is Mold?

Mold is a fungus found both indoors and outdoors. No one knows how many species of mold exist, but estimates range from tens of thousands to perhaps three hundred thousand or more. Mold spreads and reproduces by making spores. Spores can survive conditions that are too sunny, hot, cold, dry, or wet for mold to grow. When spores are released, they can be carried by air or water to new locations.

What Causes Mold?

Molds thrive in moist environments created by a flood, slow leak, broken pipe, or just high humidity. Water damage and mold growth go hand in hand; without water, mold cannot grow. Mold also needs a food source, oxygen, and a temperature between 40 degrees and 100 degrees F.

How Does Mold Spread?

For molds to grow and reproduce, they only need an organic food source like the cellulose found in building materials such as wood and drywall.

Why is Mold a Problem?

Structural Damage

Mold gradually destroys the things it grows on and can grow anywhere, including on:

  • Foundation

  • Roof

  • HVAC system

  • Drywall

  • Gutters

  • Furnishings

  • And more

Health Problems

In your home, all molds have the potential to cause physical side effects, including:

  • Headaches

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Skin irritation

  • Allergic reactions

  • Aggravation of asthma symptoms

Are There Any Warning Signs of Mold Growth?

If there are dark spots on your ceiling, floors, or walls, this is a sure sign of mold growth. Musty odors and mildew are often signs that mold may be growing in your home. Respiratory and allergy symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, trouble breathing, and wheezing are a typical indicator of mold growth as well. Also, high humidity levels such as condensation on glass and metal surfaces are a warning sign of mold.

Can I Get Rid of Mold Myself?

DIY mold removal is not recommended. At ServiceMaster by Redbird DRS, our residential restoration experts have completed intensive mold remediation training as well as detailed instruction in the proper procedures for handling mold claims.

Call(502) 771-8096 today for mold removal in Louisville!

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