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Weather Damage Restoration in Rochester, NY

Storm Damage Recovery Services Near You

When Mother Nature unleashes her fury, the consequences can devastate your business. Whether it's the relentless torrents of flooding, the wrathful winds of a tempest, or the icy artillery of hailstorms, the aftermath of severe weather can leave you feeling overwhelmed and helpless. Enter ServiceMaster Recovery by Close - Rochester, your trusted ally against weather-induced destruction. Our seasoned professionals are committed to restoring your property, swiftly guiding you back to normalcy.

Our Storm Damage Services

ServiceMaster Recovery by Close - Rochester offers an extensive array of weather damage restoration services, including:

  • Water Damage Restoration: Whether it's a deluge or a persistent leak, our experts are well-equipped to handle water damage of any scale.
  • Wind Damage Restoration: We have experience restoring the structural integrity compromised by strong winds, leaving your property secure again.
  • Hail Damage Restoration: Hail can be merciless, but our team is skilled in undoing its harm, ensuring your property's exterior is as good as new.
  • Roof Repair: A damaged roof can spell disaster. Our roofing experts provide prompt and effective repair services to protect your property from further harm.
  • Board-up Services: In the aftermath of severe weather, securing your property is paramount. We offer board-up services to safeguard against further damage or intrusion.
  • Tree Removal: Fallen trees can be a significant hazard. Our team safely and efficiently removes them to ensure your property's safety.

Our Weather Damage Restoration Process

When you entrust us with your weather damage restoration needs, we kickstart the process with a thorough assessment of the damage. From there, we craft a personalized restoration plan to restore your property swiftly and efficiently. Our team labors relentlessly, channeling their expertise to restore your property to its pre-loss state.

For professional weather damage restoration services in Rochester, NY, and the surrounding areas, call (585) 699-1261 or contact us online today.

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