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Manteca Residential Mold Removal & Inspection

Protect Your Health Today

Mold is an insidious problem that can spread across your property before you know it. It can thrive anywhere it is moist and humid, including ceilings, walls, drywalls, insulation, carpeting, wooden furniture and more. Mold may also start growing in as little as 48 hours if your home has experiencing something like a flood or a major leak. And with the many health problems that come with exposure to mold, it’s important to make every effort to solve this problem ASAP.

Fortunately, at ServiceMaster Restoration by Prasad, we have everything you need to get rid of mold and to get rid of it fast. Our Manteca mold removal services are designed to accommodate a wide range of properties, and can be customized to fit your home’s needs. With advanced tools and processes to detect mold growth in hidden areas, we can root out a problem before it gets out of control. Once we have detected mold, we will then use specialized chemicals for mold removal services. And with an arsenal or resources and backing from a national brand, you can bet we have what it takes to keep mold away for years to come. Remember, mold may a natural part of nature, but it shouldn’t be a part of your house, so do not hesitate to contact us if you have found mold growth today.

For residential mold damage services in Manteca backed by experience, call (209) 231-8520, or contact us online.

Signs You May Have Mold in Your Home

Recently experienced flooding in your home? Maybe a problem with your HVAC system? Or maybe your shower has just been hotter than usual? If any of this sounds familiar, you could be looking at a mold issue. Watch out for the signs, and make sure to call ServiceMaster Restoration by Prasadfor an inspection.

You may be experiencing a mold problem in your Manteca home if:

  • There are dark spots on your floors, walls, or ceilings
  • There are musty, mildewy odors around the house
  • People in your home are experiencing increased respiratory and allergy issues
  • High humidity levels in your home are causing condensation on glass or metal surfaces

What To Do When You Find Mold In Your House

Has your house recently survived a flood, severe storm, or serious plumbing leak? There is a possibility that it was not dealt with quickly enough or properly, and mold was able to grow and take hold in your home. If you cannot see the mold, but there is a musty scent in your home, this may also be an indication that mold is growing somewhere on your property. Reach out to ServiceMaster Restoration by Prasad for expert mold remediation in your area.

Mold will grow in any area of a home where there is excess moisture. There are common areas where it may be found which can only be exacerbated by water damage.

Common places where mold might grow in homes:

  • Wall cavities
  • Doors
  • Windows or window sills
  • Under sinks
  • Ceiling panels
  • Basement
  • Attic
  • Bathroom
  • Kitchen
  • Laundry room

If you have rugs or carpets in your home, it might be a good idea to check them for musty odors.

Spotting the growth of mold in a home may be tricky -- it simply grows where it cannot be seen easily. If you discover mold growth or suspect that there is mold growing in your home, reach out to our mold removal professionals at ServiceMaster Restoration by Prasad. Our team is certified, has the correct equipment, and knows the proper processes and procedures for getting rid of mold completely!

To get more information on mold inspection and removal services in Manteca, call (209) 231-8520.

What Kills Black Mold On Wood?

Wood surfaces are one of the most common places you will find mold if there is a mold problem in your home. This is because wood is very good at absorbing moisture.

Black mold is a very common type of mold that tends to pop up after leaks, storms, or flooding in warm environments. Many other types of mold can cooccur as well, and the color doesn’t always indicate how harmful the mold is. There are some black molds that are harmless and some harmful ones of white, green, and brown. Regardless of health effects, you’ll want this mold removed anyway, as mold is very destructive to wooden surfaces.

Removing mold from wood is a very labor-intensive process. You can try a few DIY tricks, but it’s frustrating if the mold grows back. But if you’re hesitant about calling for assistance, try these methods first:

  • Spray affected areas with a soap/water mixture or vinegar, then scrub.
  • Use a commercial mold removal spray.
  • Apply vodka or rubbing alcohol (Not for large areas).
  • Open windows for maximum sun exposure.

You might eliminate the visible patches, but with the potential as a toxic mold, you’ll want everything removed eventually. You’ll be able to tell if there is lingering mold by regrowth and/or a musty smell.

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